Singing Guide: Sara Bareilles

Singing Guide: Sara Bareilles

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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Learning to Sing Like Sara Bareilles

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Sara Bareilles, there are a few key vocal techniques to focus on. Bareilles is known for her strong and unique voice, and there are a few elements to her singing style that help her stand out. In this article, we'll go over those techniques, as well as provide some practical advice and Singing Carrots resources to help you develop your own singing voice in the style of Sara Bareilles.

Developing Strong Breath Support

One of the first things to focus on when learning to sing like Sara Bareilles is developing strong breath support. Bareilles often sings lengthy, sustained notes in her music, and that takes a lot of breath control. To improve your own breath support, check out Singing Carrots' article on breath support, which covers some basic breathing exercises and techniques.

Mastering Vibrato

Sara Bareilles is also known for her use of vibrato, particularly in the higher ranges of her voice. If you're not familiar with vibrato, Singing Carrots' article on singing with vibrato provides a great overview. From there, you can work on developing your own vibrato using some of the exercises and warm-ups suggested in the article.

Using Chest Voice Effectively

Bareilles has a very distinct sound in her chest voice, which she uses effectively in many of her songs. Singing Carrots' article on chest voice will help you understand what it is, and how to use it to your advantage.

Practical Advice

In addition to focusing on these vocal techniques, there are a few practical things you can do to improve your singing overall:

  • Warm up before singing: Check out Singing Carrots' pitch training game to get your voice warmed up and ready to go.
  • Record yourself singing: This will give you an opportunity to listen back and assess areas where you need improvement.
  • Study the style: Listen to a lot of Sara Bareilles' music and pay attention to the way she sings. Try to emulate her as much as possible and make note of the areas where you need to improve.
  • Practice regularly: Regular practice is important for improving your singing voice, so make sure to set aside time each day.

Songs to Practice

Finally, to really get a feel for singing like Sara Bareilles, it's important to practice singing her songs. Here are a few that showcase some of the techniques we've covered:

  • "Brave": This song has a lot of sustained notes that will help you work on your breath control and vibrato. Check out the Twang exercise video from Singing Carrots' Skill-related Videos for additional practice tips.
  • "Love Song": Pay attention to the way Bareilles uses her chest voice in this song, particularly during the verses. The Voice Break and Mixed Voice Skill-related Videos from Singing Carrots will help you understand this technique.
  • "Gravity": This song has a great mix of vocal techniques, including vibrato and chest voice. The Farinelli Breathing and Glottal Onset Skill-related Videos are great resources for practicing these techniques.


Learning to sing like Sara Bareilles takes time and practice, but with the right techniques and resources, it's definitely achievable. Focus on developing strong breath support, mastering vibrato, and using your chest voice effectively, and don't forget to incorporate practical advice like regular warm-ups and practice. Before long, you'll be able to put your own spin on Bareilles' unique vocal style and make it your own!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.